Second chance twice

September 19, 2011

Michael Scott.

You may have heard of him once or twice. One dreadful wintery day I hibernated inside a warm home complaining to myself about how much I hate the cold. To comfort myself I watched a couple (or maybe more. okay fine, a lot more) episodes of The Office. I heard a phrase I will hopefully never forget.

Michael said something which grabbed hold of my heart and won’t let it go. It’s simple. It’s profound. It’s true.

“Everyone deserves a second chance twice.” – Michael Scott

Think about it. Plenty of times I’ve completely screwed something up, confessed, begged for forgiveness and vowed never to let it happen again. And then turned around and failed miserably at the exact same thing.

I’m thankful for an undeserving grace given to me from a God whose mercies are new every morning. His faithful love never fails.

6 Responses to “Second chance twice”

  1. So, so true and thank you for switching to WordPress. This has been your second chance. 🙂

  2. llcarlj Says:

    Love it, Sarah – reminds me of the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant in Matthew 18.

    What a great reminder that we all need these multiple second chances, and need to GIVE them repeatedly to others as well.

  3. heidiwhitey Says:

    Ok, I may be waaaaaaay out of the loop here, but I didn’t even know you have a blog. SUBSCRIBE!! Hugs, wise and gracious lady.

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